Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Long Road Home - Chapters 3 & 4

1. After reading Chapter 4 what questions do you now have about the story?

2. Do you think Papa should listen to Mehmet's advice to leave? Why/why not?

3. Go online to the main page of a news media.  What are some of the current issues at the local, state, and national level? Please name one for each and briefly describe one of the three.


  1. 1. Mehmet found something important with the serbs.
    2. They should leave immediately.
    3.Iowa community credit was bought out by Waterloo City Council.
    In Evansdale they found a meth lab.
    Nuclear investigations at a plant in California.


    1. The credit union was bought for 1.2 million and was relocated near Happy Chef. A Sportsplex was planned to be built in the area near the credit union.


  2. 1) Where did Mehmet go? Why is he so thin? Is it Meli's fault? Is the family going to leave the country?

    2)I think Papa should leave the town because Mehmet was gone for months and he saw something.

    3) A helicopter saved Europeans for snow.had to have food and medicine air lifted to the people.

    Alyssa Wrage

    1. add on to number three

      California teacher molestation charges for blindfolding, taping the kids mouths, and putting live cockroaches on their faces.

      Waterloo man is found with a stolen gun a year after he shot a guy out side of a tavern.

  3. 1)Where could Mehmet have been? Why would her parents not make her go to school?
    2)Yes, because if the police had him and tortured him I would want to leave as soon as possible. Plus if I was missing for months and a war was going on I would hope that my parents would believe me that the war is getting worse.
    3)In the US the Soul Train founder was found dead and the call had come in the middle of the night. Local news would be that rural doctors are now bribing kids to try the position by offering big scholarships. National news would be that in Mexico they now have a hotel just for police because the police are receiving threats from criminal groups.
    -Sara Young-

  4. question 1, Were was mehmet before he came home? question 2, No because mehmet needs help. question 3, A murder trile for the deth of a little girl is being pushed back. The girl was only 17 months old.

  5. 1) Where Mehmet was before he came back to the family?
    2) Yes so that they don't get killed or taken by police.
    3) On CNN news 102 dolphins have washed up on the Cape Cod shores very bad thing

  6. how long was mehmet in jail for?
    I think papa should listen to mehmet's advice because I wouldnt want my son back in jail.
    Cedar rapids homeless man commits crime and calls police station and asks for jail time
    Principle gets fired for pulling down pants of a student
    mom pleads not guilty of killing twins
    Quinton Green

  7. 1. How did Mehmet escape?
    2. are they going to leave to got the country
    yes leave now!!! if the police get a Mehmet again they will prolbably never get him back.
    Cedar Rapids School was closed do to smell. many kids got sick and some were hospitalized.
    -Scott Morrison

  8. What happened to Mehmet, and where was he at, and well the family move to their uncle's house? Yes, because if he's been taken they need to leave so this event doesn't happen again.In In the United States we have suffered for many years with the national debt. It is growing and the government has been trying everything they can to cut their spending. In Iowa the Education level has been dropping putting us below average compared to other states. There has been many robberies and other bad things happening on the "bad side of Waterloo" for many years. This has been an ongoing event and will most likely be for a while.

  9. 1) Where did mehemt go.

    2) Yes, they should leave because of what Mehmet says.

    3) Someone got shot in Waterloo
    Firefighter finds 500 tons of molten glass
    Cacus are still going on to the 50 states.
    Samm Sienknecht

  10. 1)one of my questions is why was Mehmet gone without any explanation.
    2)I do think papa should listen to Mehmet about leaving because its not really safe because they have mean police and they will take you away if they find out your albanian.
    3)1. In Harding Middle School classes were canceled from a weird odor on tuesday Jan. 31
    2.Romney wins big in Florida against Newt Gingrich.
    3.Evansdale police arrested two men after finding a meth lab monday night. They arrested Duane Alcott and Diana McNamee. Both Duane Alcott and Diana McNamee are in the hospital.
    ~Alicia Martinez

  11. 1. Where was Mehmet at? Why was he gone? What was he doing?

    2. Yes he should because someone might be after Mehmet, or Mehmet might know whats going to happen to them if they dont leave.

    3. local- Evansdale police arrest to men after finding meth lab. one 49 and one 53 year old man.
    State-On Tuesday, Governor Terry Branstad plans to sign into law a bill that would give Iowa National Guard veterans help paying for college. This bill would add more than one million dollars of state money.
    national- Mitt Romney routed Newt Gingrich in the Florida primary Tuesday night, rebounding smartly from an earlier defeat and taking a major step toward the Republican presidential nomination.

    J.J. Meany

  12. addition to number #3

    3) The cacus still aren't finished they have to visit all 50 states. The last one they where at was Florida. so they have to finish them up before they start the voting. Then whoever wins will take office in January 2013

    Samm Sienknecht

  13. Q1) Where was Mehmet. Was he capered by the police or did he just run away.

    Q2) Yes i think Papa should listen to Mehmet because he was gone for so long and we do not know where he was.

    Q3) (local) Downtown Waterloo credit union president responds to buyout deal, past week waterloo city council spent more that $1.2 million to by-our Iowa community credit union to relocate. (state) Tuesday, Terry Branstad planed to sign into a low. (National) Obama administration is trying to fix a anoying drag on the economy.

    -Sammy Watson

  14. 1) Where is Mehmet?
    2) Papa should leave Kosovo.
    3) Near Vining a worker fell and rebar went through his skull, Japan's population is expected to go down 1/3 by 2060, In Iowa some guys broke into a a lady's house. She smashed the robbers over the head with hot sauce bottles. The robbers were gone when police got there.

  15. Sara
    I forgot state news a in Evansdale two people on Monday after finding a Meth lab in their house. One of them had burns from when a room with some meth blew up on Friday.

  16. 1. I wonder where Mehmet was and how he survived, I wonder why someone took him or why he ran off.
    2. I do because Mehmet's condition shows how bad the place is.
    3. two were arrested in Evansdale when a meth lab was found and one of the people were taken to a hospital for treatment of their burnt hands, Chronicle movie was promoted via remote control airplanes that looked like people flying around NYC, An unidentified pitbull killed a smaller dog and left it dead on the owner's front porch

    -Matt Whannel

  17. 1) One of the questions I have about the story now is where was Mehmet. Another question I have is how was Meli able to skip all that school.
    2) I think Papa should listen to Mehmets advice because he has ether been in jail or around the city so he would have heard things and know what the Serbs are planning.
    3)A local news story is a fire in Cedar Rapids puts 11 people on the street.A state news story is that In Sageville a man threatened a woman with a knife .
    National news is Mit Romney won the Florida the primary by the largest majority yet. He had 46% 0f the votes reported.he said that all of his competitors were still compation.

  18. 1. Where was Mehmet at?

    2. Yes in some parts and no in some. I say this because he needs to man up and finally realize what is happening. And he should leave cause he is Albanian. but wen he leaves he needs to come back with almost every Albanians to fight with the Serb.

    3. 1. Kaley Kladivo brakes records for North Tama High School Basketball.

    2. Des Moines is planning on raising gas prices and taxes.

    3. Twin brother meet in Idaho after 64 years.

    i will be telling you more about Kaley braking records. Last Firday she broke a huge records for points in as season and a whole bunch of other records. thanks for reading.

    Clayton Vogeler

  19. 1. Where was Mehmet? What all happen while he was gone?

    2.Yes, I think Papa should listen and they should move so this doesn't happen again.

    3. In Flordia there was a car crash. It killed 11 people so far. It happen at midnight on a 6 way high way. In Cedar Rapids their was a murdered and Schlitter court date was pushed back again. Their was a 16 month girl and his ex-girlfriend. In New York a mother who is addicted to drugs to her 6 year old son. She gave him methadone and Nyquil and the 6 year old is now dead. He got sick, then went in a coma and then he died. They mother is held by polices and is getting charged with criminally negligent homicide.


  20. 1. Where did Mehmet go? And why did he go?
    2. Yes, because they need to leave because something went wrong.
    3. President Barack Obama says the nation's housing crisis is damaging not only the U.S. economy, but also what it means to be middle class in America.

    -Logan Zobel

  21. 1) Where was Mehmet? How long was he gone?

    2) Yes, what happened to Mehmet could happen to the whole family and there Serb policemen also now know where he lives and where his store is because he gave them background info.

    3) State- Malisa Gutierrez fought back against knife-wielding intruders during a home invasion Tuesday morning in Des Moines, grabbing the one thing she could find to use as a weapon: a bottle of hot sauce.

    Local- Iowa State issued the following press release on Wednesday morning:

    Redshirt freshman Hannah Willms and sophomore Hannah Johnson will not return to the Cyclone volleyball team for the 2012 season head coach Christy Johnson-Lynch announced Wednesday. Willms is leaving the volleyball team to focus on her track and field commitments at Iowa State and Johnson will take a medical hardship for the final two years of her Cyclones career.

    National-In exit polls taken from Tuesday’s primary, which Mr. Romney won by a resounding 14-point margin, 45 percent of voters reported that the ability to beat Mr. Obama is the candidate quality that matters most – well ahead of experience, strong moral character, and being a “true conservative.”

    In addition, 53 percent of Florida Republicans said Romney would be the most likely to defeat Obama, far ahead of Newt Gingrich, who got 29 percent. Voters also reported the highest level of satisfaction with a Romney nomination, at 65 percent, compared with how they would feel about a different Republican nominee.


  22. 1)
    Where did Mehmet go??
    Will the family move?? If they do, will they live with their Aunt and Uncle??
    How will they react to Mehmet's advice?
    Why is Mehmet so thin??
    How will the kids react when they see Mehmet??

    I think Papa should listen to him because if they don't move, they have a higher risk of losing Mehmet again, or a different child.

    State- Bearinger seeks Iowa house seat- Bruce Bearinger has announced that he is running for State Representative. He is running in District 64 which includes Buchanan and Fayette counties. He and his wife Eileen have lived in Oelwein for 19 years, and has a son, Kurt. Bearinger actually decided to get his masters in proressional agriculture at the Iowa State University. Bearinger says, "It's time for strong leadership at the statehouse that will put the partisanship aside and get things done for Iowa. I'll work to find common ground on the key issues we face and keep focused on putting Iowans back to work while helping the middle class grow,"
    Local- Cedar Falls Native Vies for $50,000 in 'Tie the Knot' Promotion
    National-Cancer Charity halts grants to Planned Parenthood

    ~Abbie Schafer~

  23. 1) where was mehmet in chapter 4?

    2) I think papa should listen to mehmet because, he was probley kidknap by the Serbians an he probley knows what going on.

    3) ceder rapids-fire puts 11 people out of there homes,

    state-congress aproved for spending money for ffa

    nat.-Romney when big in florida!


  24. 1. where was Mehmet and why was Mili allowed to skip all that school.
    2.yes, a fight will start and they will all get killed if they stay.
    3.local, Over the past week, the Waterloo City Council has spent more than $1.2 million to buy-out, and relocate, Iowa Community Credit Union in downtown Waterloo.
    state, Emergency crews are on the scene of an anhydrous ammonia leak, near Hawkeye, in Fayette County.
    country, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Wednesday that he's "not concerned about the very poor" because they have an "ample safety net" and he's focused instead on relieving the suffering of middle-class people hit hard by the bad economy.

    Dan Kupka

  25. 1.)Why would papa not let meli speak sence she knew serbian and they would probly listen to her more?
    2.)Yes , he should because he probly heard plans of the serbian forces and could protect the family from an attach or a raid.
    3.)local-there is a gas leak north of Cedar Falls...State- there was a bus rollover in iowa...Country-Soul train founder dead from gun shot in a self inflicted shot that killed him at his LA home he was later pernosed dead at the hostipal

  26. 1.i want to know what happen to mehmet.
    2.i think they should leave as soon as possible. because mehmet was obviously tortured.
    3. local- south tama girls basketball womped wapsie valley.
    state- JC penny has amazing new prices.
    national- first lady appers on the jay leno show.
    the south tama basketball girls beat #9 ranked wapsie valley with a high score of 72-19

    -Riley Rohach

  27. 1) Where is Mehmet?
    2) Papa an d his family gotta leave cause somebody going to get shot at.
    3) In Iowa 2 people die after crashing into a icy pond, In National Fast-food giant McDonald's has confirmed in a statement that it has stopped using ammonium hydroxide in its hamburger meat.
    In Local news Jeremy Alan Mask, 22, Traer was arrested Saturday, Jan. 31 at 549 1/2 Second Street, Traer. Mask was arrested on the charge of a violation of a condition of a pre-trial release.


  28. 1, What happened to Mehmet, did anybody hurt him
    2, Yes because if you have your 13 year old son who has been missing for months and comes home not looking healthy there is something not right with that picture.
    3,Obama says that the debt on mortgages is making the economy worse by thousands. His proposal would allow homeowners to save $3,000 per borrower

  29. 1) What had happened to Mehmet?
    Will they move?
    If they do move where will they move to?

    2) I do agree with Mehmet. I do think that they should move. What happens if another one of their children goes missing?

    3) State-Near Hawkeye in Fayette County, there was an anhydrous ammonia leak. Sheriff Marty Fisher believes that someone had tampered with the tank trying to steal the anhydrous ammonia. When they did it had released a cloud of gas. Rose Road has been blocked off.
    Local- The BA Healthcare System of Iowa City opened a new outpatient clinic in Waterloo, on Friday. It is located just off of San Marnan drive. In the building, it also has a new radiology department.
    National- Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski want schools to have digital textbooks used instead of hardbound textbooks within 5 years. They estimated that $8 billion on textbooks for kids kindergarten through 12th grade.

    *Claire Dahms*

  30. 1) After reading I was wondering what had happened to Mehmet? Why did it take so long for him to come back home? What did Melli and the family do when he was gone?
    2) Yes i think papa will take Mehmet's advice because he is scared that it might keep happening and also it might happen to someone else in his family. So they will leave and go to uncle Fadil's house and stay there.
    3) Local- Pamida in toledo is turning into a Shopko.
    state- iowa's unemployment rate is at 5.6%
    Usa- car crash in Florida kills 11 people so far.
    Paminda in toldeo is going to turn into a Shopko soon. its not going to change much because the 2 stores are about the same thing just shopko is a little more higher in quality. Also its will take a while for shopko to open back up.

  31. 1) Where was Mehmet? What was Mehmet doing? What did people to do Mehmet?
    2)Yes, because it's obvious some one did something to Mehmet that traumatized him.
    3)Senate approved $8.5 million to prison and detention systems.
    The Cedar Rapids based owner of Sonic restaurants in the Corridor and Waterloo has shut them down putting the properties and the buildings up for sale.
    The city of Waterloo used taxpayer's money and bought Happy Chef and the surrounding area for $450,000 dollars.

  32. 1) Where was Mehmet?
    Will the family actually take Mehmet's advice and move?

    2) I think Papa should take Mehmet's advice because once they decide for Meli and Mehmet to go back to school it might be worse then it was before for example they or the other children could get kidnapped and even worse they might be killed.

    3) Local- Cedar Rapids apartment displaces 11 people.
    In Cedar Rapids there was a pan of grease left burning on a stovetop on Monday night in an apartment. This caused a fire although all eleven people that were living there managed to escape. About an hour later the crews were ordered out of the building because if was becoming unstable.
    State-Nearly 14-pound baby boy born in Des Moines.
    An Iowa woman gave birth to a boy weighing 13 pounds and 13 ounces without the aid of surgery. Asher Stewardson was born on Thursday at Mercy Medical Center in Des Moines. He was measured at 23.5 inches long. Mercy officials say only a tenth of 1% of all newborns weigh more then 11 pounds at birth. Asher's mother, Kendall Stewardson, took in a total of six hours of labor without medication. She and her husband, Joshua, wanted to avoid cesarean delivery because that wouldn't have been good for her or Asher.
    National- (New York) Pfizer recalls birth control pills.
    Pfizer says a packaging error mixed up the order of the active and inactive pills in their 28-day blister packs. Meaning this recall may mean thousands of women are at risk of unintended pregnancy.


  33. 1) Where did Mehmet go? Did the serbs take him? How were the younger kids effected by the younger kids missing?

    2) Yes I think papa should listen to Mehmet because if they don't leave Mehmet could be taken or go away again. Also they would probably be safer with Uncle Fadil because there won't be as many serbs.

    3) local- TMU is raising the water rate, it will start sometime in February. state- a woman in Iowa had a 13 pound 13 ounce new born baby naturally. national- two railcar passengers jumped the
    track in Michigan
    the baby born was born in mercy hospital and the mother went through six hours of labor
    ~Madison clause~(:

  34. 1. I want to know where Mehmet went and why this happened.

    2. Yes, so they don't get caputured for K.L.A. spyness or comspearisy

    3. There was a Anhydrous ammonia leak near Hawkeye, in Fayette Country. Someone tampered with the tank while trying to steal it and let a dangerous cloud into the air. A deputy who came across the cloud of gas was exposed and taken to a local hospital for treatment. County Road W14, or Rose Road, has been blocked off north of town to keep people from entering the area. Fisher says it is still an active leak and they are waiting for a hazardous materials crew to arrive from Cedar Rapids. Fisher says no one has been evacuated because they believe the cloud is hanging over a field.

    :) *~=( J.T. )=~* :)

  35. Q1) Were will they live when they move?? Will they live with their Aunt and Uncle?? Will it be too late if they Serbs catch them??
    Q2) Yes papa should listen to mehmet because mehmet is freaking out and this is no joke so papa has to listen to mehmet and get out and move back.
    Q3) Cedar Rapids: Science professor fondled a girl in exchange for a higher grade
    Portland, Maine: A treasurer says he has found and will be the best treasure he has ever found
    Florida: Romney will defeat Obama the Republicans say (53%)

    *Jessica Dunkel* :)

  36. Is Memet bruised and beaten up or is he just skinny.How long until they leave for Vermont. Yes i think that he will fear for all of his family so he will leave the city. He will also have to listen to what his kid had to experience witch will be very dramatic. Local- A Guy from texas comes back to clutier every year to see old friends and go to the local places but this year there is only one resterount left and he is depressed. State- There was a anhidraous leak near Hawkeye in fayete county. National-There was a brush fire that brought smoke across a florida interstate and killed 11 people.
    Conner Roy

  37. 1) Where was Mehmet?

    2) No, he is just a kid. he doesn't know much.

    3) Des Moines women fights off home invaders with Hot Sauce bottle. Meth lab in Evansdale. A crash in Florida, now is now 11 deaths. Crash happened Sunday.

    -Charlie ambrose

  38. Tristan Catron
    1): Why did mehmet come home during the summer and where was he at?

    2): yes, papa should because Mehmet was probably kidnapped by the sirbs

    3): Local-Tama County-A Tama County man was airlifted to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics after falling at a construction site.

    State-Iowa-Cedar Falls-In Cedar Falls Iowa an apartment was set on fire acidentaly because of a pan of grease left burning

    National-United States-Los Angeles-Bail was raised to $23 million Wednesday for a former Los Angeles teacher accused of taking bizarre photos of children in his classroom for sexual thrill.

  39. 1) Where did Mehmet go and why?
    Did he go on his own?
    2) Yes, I think that pap should go with Mehmet's idea and move because they are in risk of another kid getting stolen or even Mehmet getting taken again.
    3) Jennifer Treyer took the stand after being a cussed of killing her husband. took the stand to explain why nearly 2 years after it happened.-national

    Kaley K broke NT's B-Ball record.-local

    Des moines going to raise tax and gas price.

    - Conner Kriz

  40. 1) Where did mehmet go of to? Why does he think that they have to move?

    2) I think that papa should listen to him because that's what their uncle said and he seems to know whats going on with things. He has been gone for a long time so they should listen to what he says because he is the oldest and knows that things can get worse from what he already knows in his past.

    3) State- women uses hot sauce for defense against intruders- a women grabbed a bottle of hot sauce to defend herself from intruders. Her and her husband woke up to the sound of her door being forced open. Then incomes two men who yelled they want money! She was being beat by a flashlight and that when she grabbed the bottle and grabbed the bottle and started swinging. The police arrived and then arrested a 41 year old women who was Gutierrez's attacker.
    National- An Alaskan volcano could corrupt, disrupt international air travel
    local- five million dollar development plan unveiled for downtown waterloo

  41. 1) will they move or not? Will they move to vermont?

    2) Yes, think that he will choose to move to keep his whole family safe.

    3) someone from taxas comes back every year to clutier to see old friends but this year there was only one resorse left so he was mad/sad. state- the state is taking surveys on should they put seat belts in school busses? national- There was a huge crash on inter state 75 in florida and several people died!


  42. 1) after reading this chapter i am very puzzled in so many diffrent ways. i have no clue where the boy could have been. its weird to me to think that he was gone for months, but he is still alive. on the news you always here of these people that are gone missing for so long and they are dead. i would like to know where he was and how he survived.

    2) i do think that he should listen to the advice to leave. i think he should because obviously its not a save invironment. i think that they shouldn't have moved there in the first place because they aren't the same type of person and usually that means some kind of trouble, and i think the police would just take it out on the kids instead of the parents to really show a point.

    3) a line of cars crashing into each other happened on interstate 75 close to Gainsville, Florida.
    An Alasken volcano may erupt, this look out is closing down flights and everything.
    Wisconsin released names of over 1 million people that signed a pettition to recall gov. Scott Walker

  43. 1) 1. Where was Mehmet? 2. Will Papa listen to Mehmet? 3. How many days gone?
    2) Yes Papa should listen to Mehmet , because something obviously happened to him to make him say listen to Uncle.
    3) 1 National: Mitt Romney won florida elections. mitt said he wasn't focused on Poor people because they have a safety net and if i needs repairs he will do it. He said rich people are just fine. He is focused on Middle class people because the economy is hitting them the hardest.
    2 Local: Evensdale two people are going to be charged for having active meth lab and meth made up and making meth.
    3 State: Iowa city nurse getting arrested for stealing drugs.Forged Prescriptions to get Hydrocodone, Alprazolam, and Lortab.

    -Cinda Akers- :)

  44. 1) Where was Mehmet at and what did he do there?
    2) I think that papa should listen to him because there could be something that is going on and the family needs to leave because of what might happen the Mehmet and the family.
    3) Local- Iowa Community Credit Union got bought out.
    State- People were found of a meth lab in there house.
    National- Los Angles- an ex-teacher's bail was raised to 23 million dollars for taking bazarre pictures of children for sexual thrill.
    Alyssa B

  45. 1) Where was mehemet? How did he survive? Will Papa listen to Mehmet?

    2) Yes, I would listen to him and move if he has been taken by the Serbs.

    3)Local: NT boys and girls basketball win Iowa Star Conference South Division for the second year in a row. The boys were 16 and 4
    and the girls were 17 and 3.

    State: Women defends herself from home invaders with hot sauce bottle.

    National: Romney wins Florida Primary with 46.4% of votes.
    -Ben Panfil
