Monday, November 21, 2011

Dead Poets Society Final Essay

Dead Poets Society Final Essay

Choose one of the following themes from the movie below to comment on in an essay:

·      Feelings of Alienation:
o   Todd’s low self esteem; the issue of conformity and peer pressure; Todd’s following in his brother’s footsteps; the dilemma of feeling indebted to parents
·      Dealing with Increased Feelings of Independence and Rebellion:
o   Neil’s conflict with his father; Charlie’s illegal editorial; learning to spread one’s wings slowly
·      Academic Pressure:
o   Private schools as too competitive; preparatory schools as babysitters for the elite; dictatorship of school administrators; expectations from parents and administrators
·      Symbolism & Imagery:
o   Neil as a Christ figure (he dies so that other boys may truly live); boys as flocks of geese; the flashlight in the cave; Mr. Keating as scapegoat; Mr. Keating as Lincoln-figure (he “frees” the boys from a narrow minded way of thinking)
·      Influence of Role Models
o   Mr. Keating’s influence on the students; Neil’s father’s influence

Essay Requirements
-       Six Paragraphs (4 below plus introduction and conclusion)
-       Thesis (what your paper is going to be about/what you’re going to say)
-       Proper spelling, grammar, punctuation
-       Complete/thorough thoughts
    12 Point Times New Roman Font Double Spaced
    Title is optional

Body Paragraphs
In your paper, your body paragraphs should describe:

-       1st Paragraph: HOW the theme you chose to talk about is portrayed in the film (you may utilize examples above)

-       2nd Paragraph: HOW the theme relates to your life: did you learn anything new about these things? Do you have an opinion on the theme? Do you have a personal story or perspective to relate?

-       3rd Paragraph: HOW this movie helped you to think differently – about poetry, teaching, school, alienation, peers, etc.

-       4th Paragraph: WHICH piece of poetry used in the film did you like best and why? Why did it stand out to you? (See attached list)

Poetry from Dead Poets Society

Students: Complete this assignment with integrity and devotion!

I look forward to reading your final essays!

Carpe Diem!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Helpful Links for Class

North Tama Website

Online Map Quizzes

Awesome websites!

2011-2012 School Year

Hi Students,

We are off to a busy school year! Hard to believe we are 1/3 of the way through the year!

You are all doing a great job! Be sure to stay focused as we move through the holiday season. Keep good records of your assignments (utilize your planner) and keep working hard!

Before you know it winter break will be here!

:) Mrs. F

Friday, May 6, 2011

Summer Countdown

Guess what...only 11 days left of school!!!!!!!!

Let's work hard the rest of the year!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Just a few things to clarify...

Steps 1-5 can be put on as blog posts.

Steps 6 & 7 should be on actual paper that you will turn in Monday.

Hope this helps!
Mrs. F

Great Job!!!

Hi guys and gals,

Just wanted to let you all know that I am really impressed with your posts about the Oregon Trail! Hope you are enjoying this mini project! Keep up the great work!


Mrs. F

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oregon Trail Assignment


We are going to be working on an assignment tied to the Oregon Trail and westward movement of people in the mid-1800s for the next few days.

All assignment details can be found here.  Please refer to this site often for clarification!  Good luck and of course, have fun!

Step 1: Go to:

Step 2: Read each of the sections (there are a total of 9 sections as well as a conclusion interview)

Step 3: After reading each section you should post on my blog a brief summary of what you read on that section.  For example, Section 1 is an introduction, provide 3-4 pieces of information you learned about the Oregon Trail or life during these times.  Write this up in paragraph form and post it to my blog.  Then, repeat this process for all of the other sections!

Step 4: What can you tell me about Iowa's connection to the Oregon Trail?  Go to: Council Bluffs and report back by posting on Mrs. Freitag's blog a paragraph summary of how Iowa and the Oregon Trail are tied together!

Step 5: Go to the Fantastic Facts Link and choose one fantastic fact to read about.  Write a diary entry from the perspective of a person on the Oregon Trail that addresses the fantastic fact.  For example, you could choose to be a young girl traveling west with her parents and grandparents. Perhaps Grandma became ill and passed on.  Tie this diary entry in with the "buried alive" fantastic fact.

Step 6: Create an Advertisement Poster encouraging settlers to "Go West" or a Warning Sign preparing travelers for dangers ahead.
Requirements for Advertisement: - On 8.5x11 paper
- Use an eye-catching title 
- Choose  at least 4 reasons to go to the Oregon Country
- Include a quote from someone who has been there
- Give the name of a contact person and a way to reach he or she

- OR - 

What kinda dangers are there??? Create a warning sign including dangers on the trail.
Many pioneers left warnings for those who will follow in their path. 1 out of 10 settlers died along the way.
- On 8.5x11 paper
- Make sign eye-catching
- Include at least 4 warnings of hardships ahead
- Be specific!

Step 7: Extension Activity (Choose one of the following)
1. Read about Conestoga Wagons.  Then, draw a wagon and include the following on your poster:
- People (how many are traveling, names, ages)
Create a Supply List and Budget (Remember the covered wagons have a limited amount of space. The average space is 4'x10'.  Include items you might need for the trip)

- OR - 
2. Choose one diary or memoir to read: Oregon Trail Diaries and Oregon Trail Memoirs
- Create a diary with 7 entries
- Provide a persona (include name, age, where they are from and a little bit about them)
- incorporate what you read in the 9 sections into your diary (dangers, conditions, travel hardships, length of time, etc.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

History Day Board Orders

Order forms need to be turned into Mrs. Freitag (w/ money and choice of color/style of board) by Friday, January 27th!!!

Any questions, let me know!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Bibliography Information


Here are some really helpful websites for citing information!